Title of Show: Fibra Vive
Opening and Closing Date: Sept 18th, 2009 - October 9th, 2009
Juror: Becky Grass
Show Description: Fibra Vive celebrates today's artist's personal interpretation of their "magical journey" through Latin America in their own work.
Apart from creating things, what do you do?
I am a new mother of twin boys, which is absorbing nearly all of my time and energy these days. It is an exhilarating experience and is more satisfying than I could ever have imagined. They have already completely changed my perspectives on so many levels. I see the human experience through new eyes as I embark on this journey of motherhood and relive all of the simple wonders of the world. My focus has changed as I learn to re-examine familiar things as a new experience and this really makes the subtle details of daily life beautiful and inspiring.
What is the source of your creativity? How much is from within? How much comes from outside sources?
I would have to say there is an even balance of sources that inspire me to create, from both within and outside sources. Daily life and routine have always been of great interest to me and now more than ever, home life. Examining routines and patterns can be very inspiring for me as a weaver. I am always trying to relate the patterns found in our modern world to the ancient traditions and thoughts of our ancestors. The processes of weaving and creating cloth help me reach a place of mind that I feel keeps me in touch and in tune with this universal consciousness.
What are some of the things you do to keep yourself creative?
I am an avid music lover. I play piano and guitar and find that sitting down and playing some music always gets those creative juices going for me. Playing and listening to music always puts me in a new mindset and is a great mental warm up for getting to work in the studio.
Could you do your art without an audience? How important is feedback?
Although feedback can be a very important aspect of art making and many times integral to developing ideas and skills, I could most certainly make art without an audience. In fact, I feel that my best work comes when I am relaxed and making work purely for my own enjoyment. Not that it is always easy, but I feel that my ideas and voice are most clear when I am not concerned about how an audience will be interpreting the piece.
What are your favorite materials to work with?
I love fine threads. They can be delicate, yet have the potential to become a robust fabric. I also prefer to work with natural fibers. Cotton and silk are most prevalent in my work.