EXHIBITING GALLERY: The Gallery at Innsbrook
OPENING DATE AND CLOSING DATE: September 5th, from 10-12, closes on October 3rd
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Dawn Ottensmeier, Pat Owoc, Luanne Rimel, Barbara Simon, Sun Smith Foret, Alana Tibbets, Barb Zappulla and Marjorie Hoeltzel
The Gallery at Innsbrook
(636)928-3366 ext. 214
For directions visit: http://www.innsbrook-resort.com/directions.shtml
Submitted by: Marjorie Hoeltzel
As the most senior member of the group of artists involved in INNOVATIONS IN TEXTILES 8 AT INNSBROOK: EIGHT ARTISTS INTERPRET NATURE IN TEXTILES AND FIBER, and having been a guest at Innsbrook many times, I was inspired to invite seven fine regional textile/fiber artists to exhibit in the beautiful Innsbrook Resort Conference Center Gallery. Some of these artists have been friends for decades, others I have been following more recently, but we have all witnessed the elevation of quilts, weaving, embroidery and other textiles from "handy crafts", to a recognized art form, as quilts became wall hangings, baskets and dolls became "sculpture" and collectors became aware of collecting this "new" art form.
I hoped to recognize myself as an artist when I was in my late fifties (three decades ago), having been recently widowed, with a burning desire to devote my time to following my passion for sewing and creating. Creating and sewing were nothing new, for this I had learned at my grandmother's knee, but with a new lifestyle confronting me, I went full steam ahead in the seventies and eighties, studying design independently with Leslie Laskey, Professor in Washington University School of Architecture, as well as many summer classes in Tennessee, North Carolina and Maine, refining my skills and broadening my knowledge.
But I feel I did not hit my stride as an artist until, in the early nineties, I was commissioned to do a huge commission (huge meaning 20' x 5') for a major corporation's headquarters. Also, in 1999, I was accepted in Quilt National, the quintessential biennial contemporary quilt show in Ohio. I can now call my self an ARTIST! Sharing studio space with Jane Sauer (a treasured friend from the 70's) for many years was also stimulating and encouraging.
For the past ten years, my favorite materials to work with have been recycled neckties. The source has become greater as men seem to be "dressing down", retiring or adopting new lifestyles, and my collection has increased so that I seem to have an unlimited supply to work with.
When an idea "strikes" my favorite environment for making art is too pull out the neckties from their baskets in colors relating to the image or pattern that is somehow magically surfacing, surrounding myself on the floor of my studio as if in a nest, and somehow, it's then the creative juices begin!
When you view the Innsbrook exhibit, you will see eight entirely different and personal interpretations of nature in fabric and fiber, and eight distinctly diverse techniques. I hope you enjoy it!
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